ACTION 1. Creating a network between interested parties in exploitation and management of anadromous fish.

Since 2002, fishing activity at Mondego’s basin and nearby coastal area targeting anadromous fish has been followed closely by scientists, which differs from other management plans implemented at the basins where these species are commercially exploited ( (
In order to continue the work that has been developed, Action 1 will set the network that has been created to manage anadromous fisheries in the Mondego River ensuring:

  1. Standardization of regulation for both maritime and freshwater jurisdictions concerning these species;
  2. Reinforce participated management ensuring a greater bond/participation from fishermen in the definition of fishing rules;
  3. Defining changes to fishery regulation that ensures sustainable exploitation of the resources corroborated by information collected by scientists and fishermen;
  4. Promoting organization in fishing communities while empowering them with good resource management practices.

This Action has only one task: T1.1 – Meetings between interested parties in anadromous fish management in Portugal. It is intended to transfer the model already applied at the Mondego River to the other basins (Minho, Lima, Cávado, Douro, Vouga, Tejo e Guadiana) properly adapted to local context. Stakeholder sets remain except fishermen representatives that vary according to the river basin. Meetings will occur annually before anadromous fishing season and the results from the previous season concerning catches will be analysed allowing design management strategies at commercial exploitation of anadromous resources.

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