ACTION 3. Developing a pilot-project in Mondego river basin.
This action intends to implement a monitoring methodology, independent from landing declarations, by assessing the number of anadromous spawners that annually get into Mondego basin, allowing validation of the data collection methodology.
Therefore, the main goal of this action is to validate data collected from Action 2 through data collected independently by the monitoring system installed at Mondego River, more specifically at the vertical-slot fish pass of the Açude-Ponte dam in Coimbra.
Action 3 comprehends three tasks: T3.1. Visual counts of the anadromous fish passing by the fish pass of the Coimbra Açude-Ponte dam; T3.2. Development of the Fishery Portal (Portal da Pesca); T3.3. Regional certification for the valorisation of fishing products.
The conception of the Fishery Portal aims to empower fishing professionals and to enable catch information assessment. It is intended that both marine and freshwater commercial fishermen, from both jurisdictions, are themselves capable of submitting voluntarily their catch numbers through the app.
This platform can be accessed through smartphones, tablets and computers with internet connection or, as an alternative, at “Fisherman Kiosk” (Quiosque do Pescador), a facility with direct and exclusive access to the portal, which will be installed in strategic spots at Mondego river basin.
Em parceria com a Docapesca pretende-se implementar um programa de certificação regional com o objetivo de valorizar os produtos locais capturados segundo os métodos tradicionais de pesca.
Cada exemplar capturado terá uma etiqueta com a origem e o método de captura contribuindo para a promoção do consumo de um produto proveniente de uma pescaria gerida de forma sustentável. Ao mesmo tempo são promovidos os produtos regionais, contribuindo para melhoria do rendimento da pesca para o pescador.